Why I Want to Rescue Another Dog

3 min readAug 20, 2022

And why it may not be a good idea…

Author and Monroe

After my husband and I got married ten years ago –second for both of us and we were both in our sixties — he told me he would like s dog.

While driving around our little village we saw a sign about a rescue showing adoptable dogs on the local fairgrounds. “Let’s go take a look…” Famous last words and that’s how Beauty (originally Bernice), a lovely laid-back black and tan hound became part of our family.

Beauty was with us for six years until she developed lymphoma and we eventually had to say good-bye to her — a very difficult thing to do.

I started looking for another canine family member — and saw the above picture of Monroe at a local shelter and immediately fell in love. He became the newest member of our family on a Thanksgiving week.

Unfortunately, two weeks later I was in the hospital with a stroke and Monroe’s care was up to my husband and daughter. But as I improved while in the hospital, he was all I could think about — my Monroe. Once I was in the rehab facility, family brought Monroe to see me — I was wheeled out to the parking lot and sat in the backseat of the car to…




A 70+ year old retired RN who’s following her 60 year old dream of being a writer, one interested in everything unusual. www.facebook.com/MitziFlyteAuthor