Member-only story
Struggles Continue
The following Medium post was from last year:
Everything’s a Struggle…
Photo by Yaopey Yong on Unsplash
Everything seems to be a struggle these days.
I have pain in my right arm to the point where I cannot use it to feed myself. I cannot type using that arm or hand, I cannot even brush my hair. Just putting something in the microwave is difficult — I have to use my left hand to open the door and then I have to make sure I can get the plate or bowl inside with my left hand, My right arm is virtually useless because of the pain in my shoulder.
The steroid injection I had in that shoulder did not seem to help; in fact now I have pain across my upper back and the pain in my lower back has returned. Repositioning myself in bed is painful. getting dressed in the morning is painful. Taking a shower while sitting on my shower bench is painful — especially, as I try to wash my hair using my right arm.
I have been given Tramadol for pain and Oxycodone for extreme pain — both I take very sparingly. Sometimes I even take Ibuprofen, although I shouldn’t because I have high blood pressure.