Member-only story
Society and How We Look…
Time to come to terms with how we value appearance.
First impressions and all that BS…And B. S. it really is.
When was the last time you judged someone one how they looked — clothes, hair, skin, make-up for women, facial hair for men… How did that work out for you?
When did you ever judge someone on their smarts?
Is it more important in our society to be pretty or to be intelligent? Take your time to think about that — I’ll wait — then think about the very intelligent men and who they married — again, I’ll wait…
I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s a fat girl and remember hearing, “No one likes a girl who’s too smart.” Well, F — my brains was all I had — really. I was fat and therefore, ugly — unwanted and eventually unloved.
How can I say that?
My first husband told me he married me because he thought no one else would. That hurt even more a few years later when I finally realized he was gay…so only a gay guy would want me and want me to prove a point…
My second husband tells me to “get over it…” no kindness or understanding. Just stop thinking that way — cold turkey.
Speaking of Turkey — which I, now at 73, look like with my turkey neck and wrinkles.