Member-only story
My Take on the Fantasy, “Little Women” —
The Book, not the Movie.
I wanted to become part of a local book club. The Oley Valley Community Librarian, Noel, told me they were reading Little Women for February.
I was surprised but happy it wasn’t American Dirt — I would have waited until March to join — I did not like that book’s concept and how it was conceived — at least from what I’d been reading. Oprah screws up another book pick.
So I got the Dover paperback edition of LW so I could pencil in comments, etc. I also got a Kindle edition of a short biography of Louisa May Alcott.
I hadn’t seen the movie as I’d spent the last month coughing my lungs up and blowing out enough snot to float a boat. I figured I wasn’t movie audience material.
I knew the story — at least I thought I knew the story but as I read it, I discovered my sixty-year-old memory was wrong and colored by adolescent beliefs of a female born on the cusp of the 1950s.
First off, I was waiting (Spoiler Alert!!) for Beth to freakin’ die already. She was the purest of the sisters so she had to be sacrificed. I knew from years of the story and the movie (the one with Katherine Hepburn as Joe), that she wouldn’t make it to the end of either but what had been heart-breaking for 12 year-old Mitzi was anti-climatic for the 72 year…