My dear Wil,
I am twice your age and I could put a check mark by each one of your childhood to adult issues. Just add being overweight most of my life.
I had the nightmare panic attacks and was beaten with a belt because I awoke my father. My parents did take me to child psychologist but it was for only one “she out grow it” visit. I didn’t. I continue to have panic attacks but handle them through deep breathing and mediation.
I still worry about everything…every freakin’ thing. I try not to. I try to refocus my thoughts. The present administration does not help my thoughts, but I try to stay away from my news addiction.
I was not diagnosed with clinical depression until I was in my late fifties. Retiring from a profession I never wanted has helped.
I send you blessings from an old, cranky lady who tries not to wind that crank too often.