My daughter is approaching fifty but 7 years ago I married a man, 6 years older than me. He’s now 78, walks slowly with a cane. Along with my housekeeping duites, I keep track of all of his appointments, check his medications, bitch at him to do his therapy (not doing his exercises caused the slow, shuffling walk). So I sometimes feel like I’m still a mama. It’s been 7 years since I’ve had dinner with friends. I now live fifty miles away from my “old” home and the drive is not good for my bad back. I miss them terribly. I would love to take a few days out for me — hotel, dinner with family and dinner with friends. But I hesitate leaving him alone. Although Heather lives with us, she spends 12 hours a day at her university. He could not take our dog out on a leash while he walks with a cane. I canceled a trip to Salem and other haunted areas because I didn’t trust him being alone.
So even though I’m 72 and my daughter’s pushing 50, I can definitely relate.
Your daughter is very lucky she has you as her mama.