I’m Not Lazy…I’m in Pain

4 min readJan 12, 2023
Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

I follow Shannon Ashley on Medium and this post really hit home:


I’ve been dealing with pain for most of my adult life. It started when I was a young RN. In the 1960s-1970s there were few ways that patients were transferred from bed to stretcher or bed to wheelchair without the use of a nurse’s strong back and since I was a “big girl” I was usually given the big patients.

By the time I was in my late twenties I had back pain that limited what I could do. I went to an orthopedic surgeon I knew from the hospital. This was before MRIs; he did a cursory look at me –saw I was overweight — did some review of how my joints were and gave me the name of some fibro disease he told me was called “the malingerer’s disease.” He probably thought I didn’t know what the word meant. And that was it.

Back to work on a very busy Med-Surg unit with limited staffing with nothing but aspirin for the pain.

Of course, the pain continued, and I returned to that physician and he decided he needed to “go in” and see what was going on. So, at age of 29 I had back surgery — two large lipomas were removed. They had been pressing on both sides of my spinal nerves.




A 70+ year old retired RN who’s following her 60 year old dream of being a writer, one interested in everything unusual. www.facebook.com/MitziFlyteAuthor