Member-only story
I Want/Need to Know WHY
The difficult search for an answer
A month after the carnage in an El Paso Walmart, it happens again, in Texas between Odessa and Midlands, about three hundred miles from the “last one.”
“It,” of course, is a mass shooting, with, as of this writing, five people dead and at latest count 21 injured, including a 17 month old.
And the shooter is dead. That’s too bad, I think. Although so many people, including my husband, says “Good. He’s dead.”
WHY a “He?”
And it is a “he” — from what I’m hearing he was white (yep, as usual) and in his thirties (yep, as usual). But I remind myself of the female shooter at a mall outside Philadelphia, Sylvia Seecrist. She was diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic. Less than 10% of active shooters are female. Why? Women die by a gun more often than we kill with a gun.
Dewy Cornell, a licensed forensic psychologist wrote:“Men tend to be more violent than women because of a complex interaction of evolutionary and psycho-social factors. Men tend to be more aggressive and less inhibited by empathy, and men in distress seem to be less willing to turn to others for help.”
When something like this happens, I devour (good term for a horror) the news, searching for a reason why someone (white young man)…